
Friday, June 19, 2015

Hitting a Plateau and Understanding Triggers

The last couple of  months I have been blog silent. In the beginning of my quest it was exciting and every little pound felt like a huge victory. IT WAS! I had a 31 pound loss, which was awesome. But I still want more. For the last two months I was hoping to report some more weight loss. Unfortunately I have had nothing to report. I HAVE BEEN STUCK. The last two months have been me dancing around 165, a few pounds below and a few pounds above. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?

Almost throwing in the towel  . . . and being content with 165 . . . . I took some time to contemplate what has been going on in my life. Wow, I am stressed.

In May, I flew out to visit my husband in CA (who had been working out their for 3 months.), for a mini-vacation. Yes, vacations add stress. It was the first time I had left my children ever. They survived and I survived but with the preparation for traveling, the actual traveling and on the road eating threw me off of my well scheduled diet.

 I returned to have my goats in full swing of kidding season. Which means my goats where having their babies, which meant a busy farm and new management of the herd. I also got back just in time to begin a new Farmers' Market season. All the extra work has taken away from the amount of time spent in the gym. I also realize that I am a stress eater.

My husband returned which I was so happy. But it also returned his work schedule. His gets up early and returns home late. I found myself wanting to make larger meals to please him and more desserts.

We also have many home renovation projects that are in full swing. Along with all the gardening and harvesting. Many hours in a kitchen that is being torn apart. Once again stress, it makes me run for the chocolate.

Summer cook-outs, graduation parties, camping and grilling are big triggers for me. I love grilling and eating and having beer. The later nights have really thrown me off. How can I stick to my no eating after 7 pm policy when I want to have a beer and burger at 8 pm with my husband or friends. And with all the added beers who has room for water. I haven't been drinking as much water.

Seasons and things change and grow but I don't want my waist line to! My first step is/was just what I am doing now. - HOLDING MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE - Next - *TAKE A DEEP BREATHE, SAY A PRAYER AND START UNDERSTANDING MY TRIGGERS - and finally -PICKING MYSELF BACK UP - AND FIXING MYSELF A PLAN THAT WILL WORK FOR THIS SEASON.

Me embracing my plateau.
For now I will embrace the 165 (over or under) me and continue forward. I know that I have achieved a great victory and I know that just a few more small changes is all that it will take to achieve another.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Choosing the best Protein Powder for You

I'm not sure how many of you feel about protein powder or protein shakes. But using protein powder/shakes has been an important part of my weight loss and fitness quest. Of course following a well-balanced diet with whole foods is best but there is no reason you can not find healthy protein powders that fit into your meal plan.

There are many different options to choosing the best protein powder. There are so many how do I know which one will work for me? Here are some things to consider:

Purpose: What is your purpose? Do you want to lose weight? If you are a a young man you may want to gain weight/mass. Are you planning on using the powder as a meal replacement or just for snacking? Are you trying just to add protein or is there some other nutrients you are looking for? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.

If you are trying to lose weight you may want to stick with a low carbohydrate/low calorie protein powder. If it is a meal replacement stay in the range of 200-350 calories per shake. If you will be using it as a snack (like after a workout) it is best to stay under 150 calories per serving.

If gaining mass is your goal you may want a high healthy carbohydrate/high calorie protein powder. My teenage boys like using rice protein powder and they blend it with frozen fruit, goat milk and some greens.

Allergies/Food Intolerance: Do you suffer from any food allergies or intolerance? Protein powders get their protein from many sources. Whey is from milk. Some use egg whites or soy.  I myself have an intolerance to cow milk. So I chose plant based powders. Read the labels carefully so you know what you are drinking. I also think it is important to stay away from any preservatives, dyes and artificial sweeteners.

Taste:It is not only important for you to choose a healthy protein powder but you do have to drink it. It is important to chose a protein powder that you will actually drink. Try before you buy. Before you buy a large size container of protein powder ask your local vitamin store or food coop for a sample or trial size. You can also get creative and add frozen fruit, super greens, almond milk or coconut milk to enhance flavor. Just be sure you factor those add-ins to your calorie count.

Cost: How much are you willing to spend on a protein powder? I try to find ways of spending less on a higher quality powder. I look for coupons and special deals. It is also cheaper when buying in bulk. If you chose a cheaper powder just be sure to read the label carefully you don't want bad fillers and unhealthy additives. You get what you pay for  . . . and you are putting it in your body.

Hopefully these tips were helpful. Any questions?

If you currently use a protein powder share with me what you use and tell me what you like about it.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

How my Dietbet worked out.

About 4 weeks ago an old highschool friend of mine invited me to an on-line diet bet. One thing you might not know about me is that I hate to gamble. I have been known to cry losing 10 bucks at the casino slots (when dragged there by my sisters). The diet bet seemed different to me. I was already on my fitness quest and I wanted to support my friends and anyone else on their own weight loss journey. I figured if continuing my quest and helping others along the way were my goals I wouldn't mind if I lost $25.

How does the diet bet work? The rules were simple and fun. The price varies depending on the group you choice and the rules vary as well. Here is a link for more details. dietbet

What did I learn doing the dietbet? I learned how important money is people. I realized I worked harder because I did not want to lose my $$. I realized that a little friendly competition goes a long way with me. I learned how to manipulate my weight. This part sort of made with a little nervous. I became a little obsessed with the weight on the scale. I weighted myself more when I was doing the bet. If I had a cheat day and gained 1 pound, the next day I would work-out harder and was more careful about my food. It still worked but it did not seem as healthy. When anyone is losing weight you most remember fad dieting will give you results but you are more likely to gain it back. It is okay if you realize it and get back on focusing on nutrition and fitness.

Would I do another dietbet? I would say yes. It was fun and my group was very supportive. And in the end I won. It wasn't big $$$ but it was 10 pounds of weight loss.

1st day of the dietbet.
175 lbs.
Last day of the dietbet.
165 lbs.

This post is dedicated to my all my follow dietbet gals. Especially Michelle Larned who has been such a great support and inspiration.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Workout

Wow, still going strong on my Fitness Quest. I have to say I am quite proud of myself. My most recent weigh-in was 174 lbs. That is a 22 lbs. total loss so far. I remember when I started this quest my breathing was bad, I could barely walk for 10 minutes and I weighed 196 lbs. So, for the last 3 months I have been making small changes that proved to have big results. I still have 44 lbs. to lose to reach my goal weigh of 130 lbs. so I may have to pump up the volume.

I guess it doesn't matter
how silly I look as
long as the pounds fall off!
Working out in the beginning of my quest was very difficult. So I just began very slowing building up. If I could only walk for 15 mins. a day 3 days a week that is what I did. When I first began swimming again I could only do 3 laps - now I can do 20-24 laps. I want you to start too, no matter where you are challenge yourself. But please know your body and its weaknesses, challenge yourself but do not hurt yourself. If you need to consult a professional please do so. Working out should never land you in the hospital. You have to start somewhere. Every little bit of movement makes you feel better and brings you one step closer to your goal.

Here is a sample of my weekly workout:

Day 1 - Cardio Blast (intense cardio for 30-40 mins on either treadmill, elliptical or stairclimber) followed by 30 mins of swimming laps)

Day 2 - Cardio (30 mins) /Abs/Back & Arms (light weights, high reps)
Day 3 - Cardio (30 - 40 mins)

Day 4 - Cardio / Abs & Legs (light weights, high reps)

Day 5 - Rest or Light/Fun day (playing in the snow, hiking, dancing, etc.)

Day 6 - Cardio Blast

Day 7 - Rest

Find a work-out that works for you and remember to eat healthy to fuel your body. The healthier you eat the more energy you will have for your workouts.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Water Bomb your Body for Weight Loss Results

When I thought I was stuck unhappily at 183 lbs. I did what I usually do  . . . researched. It is just the way my brain works. I am not a trial and error type of person (like my dear hubby). I am a read, watch and observe, kind of person. I remembered that water was super important when a person had a muscle related injury. I also remembered that water is a key component to weight loss.
My favorite words
for water motivation
Hydrate or Die!

The water bomb
I saw on-line at
Most people or health books/websites say 8 glasses (64 oz.) per day is recommended.  A person is actually supposed to consume 1/2 of their body weight.  The 64 oz. recommendation is based on a person who weighs 128 lbs. So, I should have been drinking at least 92 ounces a day. And a person should add to that if they live in a dry climate, are athletic or if they just happen to be a sweaty person. Weight lifters drink a whole gallon ( 128 oz.) everyday. WOW! I may on some days have drank close to the 64 oz. but I was pretty short a bunch of ounces. 

If you have kids
be sure to keep them
out of "Mom's water"
If you have to make a
mini one for them then do so.
If they keep stealing from it
you won't actually
know how much you are drinking.
My Water Bomb
Your body can actually hold approx. 3 - 5 lbs in water weight alone (you may have eaten salty foods or you may not be drinking enough. Clearly, my body needed and wanted more water.  Like my usual self I needed a plan of action. *WATER ACTION* I found a cool site where a person decorated a gallon water jug as a "Water Bomb". It was filled with timelines and motivational words to encourage one to drink. I came up with my own version. It is a glass "Water Bomb" because of my aversion to plastic. It also has a spigot to make for easy pouring all day long. I can easily fill my water bottle from this jug before heading to the gym. This is a great way to make sure you get in all your water without constantly having to count your ounces. It is right there for you. I also throughout the day add a slice of lemon and drink from a teacup - just to mix things up.
Add a lemon slice
for added flavor.
If you are not used to drinking this much water, you may have to ease your body into it. First, try to drink 1/2 of it for a few days, then work your way up. Pretty soon you body will be used to drinking that much water and it will  thank you. 
So, how did all my water drinking go . . . and what were the results.
My most recent weigh-in . . . . 177 lbs.  . . . I am now down 19 lbs on my quest!!!!!!

Things that have helped me:

The Science of Skinny book by Dee McCaffrey

Prevention Shortcuts to Big Weight Loss Workout DVD


Monday, January 26, 2015

Eating This and Still Losing!

Strawberry-Banana with Cacoa Nibs

Me at 183 lbs. - 13 lbs lighter and still going!
Okay, so we all have that thing that is so hard for us to give up when we are trying really hard to lose weight. For me, that thing is ice cream. I love it! I have been known to eat a Friendly's Sundae only to have severe stomach pains because my body does not tolerate cow milk very well. I know, why would I do this to myself? One word . . . . weakness. 

I live on a goat farm so I have full access to wonderful goat milk. And I do make goat milk ice cream - which doesn't bother my stomach. But making goat milk ice cream is time consuming and still loaded with sugar. This treat is great for special occasions, but for a weekly or daily occurrence this is not acceptable. I was surely disappointed but willing to accept this fact until I came across a great little gadget that changed things for me. 

Yonanas Machine
It is called a Yonanas. My thrift-store shopping surely paid off on this one. I found it at Salvation Army on Family Day (50% off day) and scored this baby for $2.00. I had remembered reading about it in Prevention magazine. I read about the woman with a lactose allergy and her husband who invented it for her. I figured for $2.00 it was worth a try. Clearly the previous owner misjudged this wonderful machine. And clearly the employees at Salvation Army had no idea its true value. It is priced at $50.00 at most stores. I have to be honest now that I have tried it I would definitely pay full price for it. 

It works by putting frozen fruits into the top part and out comes the smoothest frozen treat I have seen. I love my blender  . . . but it can not do this. It is just frozen fruit . . . no sugar or fat . . . just fruit. I love it, my kids love it. And I get to enjoy an ice cream like treat without the guilt.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

11 Down . . . 55 to Go

Me at our community center.
Photo by my friend Lisa.
Day 44 of this quest and I have lost 11 pounds. I am feeling great and 185 but I know that my quest is still in the baby stages. I am trying only to lose the weight slowly because I know slow weight loss is usually lasting weight loss.

Some things to think about:

1. Healthy Habits are better than Dieting

2. Any exercise is better than nothing - keep moving. Even if you already did your workout . . . any other movement is just bonus! Take the stairs, park your car further, and for all of us with older kids (don't tell my kids) stop ordering them to get stuff for you - get moving and get it yourself!

3. Fill up on veggies - you can eat that casserole or homemade stew and bread with your family just remember your portions and start with a huge salad or pile of steamed veggies. After the salad or veggies you won't want as much stew and bread. But if you deny yourself you will be more likely to binge eat later.

4. Beware of hidden calories. Yeah, that salad is healthy, but did you drench it in ranch dressing. Remember usually a serving size of dressing is 2 Tablespoons (I actually cut that in 1/2) and I choose vinegarette dressings instead of creamy dressings. Better yet, use just flavored vinegars. 

Found on Mark's Daily Apple
Having a drink. Yeah sure, you drink red wine for your health. It is okay to drink wine but a serving size of wine is 5 ounces (which is 100 calories). A regular wine glass can hold up to 20 ounces . . .you might have well eaten 4 cookies instead. A 12 ounce glass of Hard Cider is equal to a donut - you may want to have both but we are talking about weight loss here. If I am going to relax or socialize with friends I may choose Rum and Diet Coke, or a Lite Beer. If I want that wine I just may need to plan ahead for the extra calories. I don't encourage drunkenness but I did find this cool site Get Drunk Not Fat.

Found on Jessica Sepel
Health & Lifestyle Advisor

5. Talk to your friends about what they are doing - but remember one size does not fit all. You have to do what helps you lose weight and encourage your friends to do the same. We all have different weaknesses and strengths. Your differences can help each other but you must not try to be each other! 

6. The food pyramid is not the same as the old one . . . with science we discover new things or rediscover the old ones. Check out the 2 new ones I displayed here.

7. Do your research . . . read about weight loss, exercise, eating healthy. The more you learn the more motivated you will be . . . . 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Ring in the New Year with Smoothies

I made it through the holidays and actually lost a few more pounds. I now weigh 189. Holidays can always be hard on diet/fitness routines and the average person gains 6 lbs. from Thanksgiving to New Year's. My only goal during that time was to  not gain anything. Which was a success because I actually lost about 2 more pounds.

Now that it is the beginning of a New Year . . .  I must double my efforts. I watched a motivational movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It is a great film about weight-loss, health and determination. It really inspired me, but the film maker method is juicing all his veggies and fruits. I am a great fan of fruits and veggies, but not of juicing. I understand the whole process of helping your body digest your food and in a liquid state your blood receives the vitamins and minerals more quickly for a fast, great impact. But I think you can receive the same benefits plus the fiber and protein with smoothies instead. Smoothies are better for your glycemic levels and it keeps you fuller longer.
My Little Ninja at work!

Not-your-average-Granny Green Smoothie
Juicers can be expensive and everyone seems to already have a blender. I happen to already have a Ninja. I know my friend Sherry just got herself a Vitamix (btw thanks Sherry for encouraging this post). You may have one of those cute Bullet mixers . . . or maybe a Walmart special. No matter what type of blender you have the year 2015 is going to be my year of health, so join me in making smoothies, losing weight and getting healthy.

Here are a few tested smoothies to get you started . . .
Please share your great smoothies recipes with me  . . . . I am looking forward to it! 
Have a Blessed New Year!

1 fresh beet (chopped)
1/2 cup of frozen blueberries
Super-duper Green Smoothie
1 celery stalk chopped
2 ice cubes
1/4 cup of mixed berry juice

Not-your-average Granny Green Smoothie
1 small granny smith apple (chopped)
1/2 a small cucumber (chopped)
2 celery stalks (chopped)
2 ice cubes
1/4 cup of water

Berry-Kale Smoothie
1/2 cup of frozen blueberries
3 kale leaves (ripped or chopped)
2 ice cubes
1/4 cup of water

Super-duper Green Smoothie
1 small granny smith apple (chopped)
1 celery stalk
1/2 small cucumber
1/3 cup of chopped honey dew melon
1/2 teaspoon of spirulina powder
2 ice cubes
juice of 1/2 a lime
2 Tablespoons of water