
Monday, December 1, 2014

It has to start somewhere

Ready for my Quest!
Lately, I have been disappointed in myself. Some how I have become the chubby little farm wife. This weight seemed to sneak up on me. A few weeks ago I seemed to be having trouble breathing. I do have asthma but it was worse than usual. I have always wanted to go with more natural asthma treatment with my present out-of-shape body it seemed impossible.

This morning I woke up renewed and rearing to go. It may have been photos of myself on Facebook, or that overstuffed feeling from Thanksgiving that set me off. But I marched over to my neighbors house to use her scale. I know, I don't even own a scale. I was so confident that I was happy at my present weight that there was no need for a scale in our house. I was more surprised and sad then I expected the scale read a whopping 196 lbs. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! I have excused myself for way too long. I have told myself as long as I eat natural, organic foods I would be healthy. I told myself it was too hard to cook for my family and control my food. 

NO MORE EXCUSES. I must remedy this . . . not only do I have asthma, I have a family history of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. I myself had gestation diabetes with my four pregnancies. It is time to change. I am writing this blog in hopes that it and you readers will hold me accountable. I hope you will follow me on this quest for a healthier, thinner me!

My beginning photo.
The chubby, farm wife!
Now my friend inspired me with her new weight loss. She lost 20 something pounds on a Slim Fast plan. I am very happy for her but Slim Fast is not the plan for me. I live on a Homestead. We have our own milk, eggs and veggies. If I am going to do this it has to be within the guidelines of how I already live.

I devised a simple calorie intake plan split into different time periods throughout the day:
7am-10am 200-325 calories
10am - 2pm 200-325 calories
2pm - 4pm 100-150 calories
4pm - 7pm 300 - 550 calories

I will slowly add mini-workouts throughout my day

I will drink plenty of water

Maintain control of my asthma - conventionally and herbally

Here's how today went:

Breakfast : Coffee w/sugar and goat milk,
Smoothie - Goat milk, chia seeds, blueberries, protein powder, greens, ice and stevia
Breakfast Total - 315 calories

I used the nebulizer with 1/2 tsp sterile water, 2 drops of eucalyptus e.o. and 2 drops rosemary e.o. 

Did my farm chores. Milked Goats. 

I took a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, Ginseng and Evening Primrose

Shepherd's Pie for the family.
Lunch: Mixed green salad w/ turkey, sunflower seeds and vinegarette
Green Tea w/ honey and turmeric (turmeric is a natural asthma aid)
Lunch Total - 339 calories

Snack: 13 raw almonds and 3 black licorice ropes (this seemed to satisfy my afternoon sweets craving)
Snack Total - 150 calories

I took vitamin B liquid because I tend to be sleepy in the afternoon.

My mini shepherd's pie with
salad and sparkling drink.
Did the regular nebulizer treatment with albuterol

Brisk 10 min. walk and then went to feed the goats hay.

Dinner: Salad with roasted asparagus
Mini Shephard Pie (it was hard not to want more)
Sparkling Mineral Water with a splash of raspberry juice.
Dinner Total 535

I drank about 60 ounces of water from a water bottle today. Sometimes with a splash of lemon to encourage me.

Total Calorie intake 1,339
Possible Calorie Burn - 200 calories

I will probably now go fix myself a cup of chamomile tea!


  1. Good Job Micki!!!! Let's go walking, too!

    1. Yes, yes, yes Lisa! Exercising with friends is always a fun way to burn some calories!
